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Do you need to prepare your deliverable by tomorrow or even later on today? Do you want to make use of our knowledge of the RoyaltyRange database and experience in performing hundreds of similar searches? Our One Search service is a fast and convenient way to get premium-quality and relevant service fees data on the same day as or the day after your request. It does not require a subscription – you simply use our database on a one-off basis, and get the royalty rates data that you require for your analysis.

How to request, use and pay for One Search?

Our One Search service is easy to use. There are four steps:

  1. Place a request: You can place a request on our website or email us. Whichever option you choose, please tell us about your search objectives – e.g. “I need management service agreements for the HQ activities”. You can also tell us if you would like a search strategy write-up (see below). Within a few hours of your request, you will receive a list of potentially comparable agreements at no cost.
  2. Review the reports: Check that you are happy with the list of potentially comparable agreements that we supply, including information about the object, territory, fee base and term. Make sure the database results are relevant.
  3. Pay for the service: Our One Search service costs EUR €500 (plus VAT), and can be paid for via bank transfer. If you are registered on our website, you can also pay via any major credit card or PayPal. Please provide us with your billing details for the invoice.
  4. Receive full reports and agreements: Immediately after the payment we will send you fully disclosed reports and original agreements.


What data does One Search provide?

When you use our One Search service, you will receive‎ service fees reports that relate to your search strategy, which you will have told us about at the request stage. These reports can be used for a number of purposes, such as transfer pricing, valuation, drafting of agreements and more. Each report includes details of up to 20 comparability factors, links to original sources, and full texts of original agreements and filings. If you would only like to receive certain reports, please let us know and we can accommodate this.

RoyaltyRange search strategy write-up

For an additional fee of EUR €200 (plus VAT), we can provide you with a detailed RoyaltyRange search strategy write-up for your documentation and filing purposes.‎ If you would like us to do this, then please let us know when you make your One Search request.

RoyaltyRange benchmarking study

For a fee of EUR €1,500 (plus VAT), we can conduct a benchmarking study for you. This is a comparison of service fees and service agreements that are publicly available that helps you estimate the arm’s length service fee range for your services. You can request our benchmarking study here. If you already purchased the data, we will reduce the benchmarking fee accordingly.

If you have any questions about our One Search service, or another of our royalty rates database services, contact us at RoyaltyRange today. Otherwise, we look forward to receiving your request.